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Common Customer Requests#

Customers who fail to settle their service bill#

If a customer fails to settle their service bill as of 30 days of being overdue we will enforce following service restrictions:

  • Level 1: 30-60 days of unsettled bills - Cutoff of Support services
  • Level 2: 61-90 days of unsettled bills - Cutoff of Deployments
  • Level 3: 91+ days of unsettled bills - Termination of services till the outstanding amount is settled in full.


Cutoff of Deployments

Security is a top priority: In case of a critical security release, we will re-enable deployments for this occasion.

Load Testing, Security or Penetration Testing#

Generally, we allow platform/infrastructure testing on customer applications. For all testing, the following information needs to be communicated to Support via an email to at least two weeks before the testing phase:

  • Testing Vectors and Scope
  • Point of Contact (Name, Email, and Phone Number if possible) which we can get in touch with to stop the testing, if necessary
  • Originating IPs
  • Traffic volume (in terms of both bandwidth and requests per second)
  • Target website(s)
  • Start and end times of testing

Broader Security and Load Testing#

Broader security testing needs to be communicated at least 4-weeks in advance. Examples of such testing include but are not limited to:

  • Load Testing of Customer applications running on Lagoon Infrastructure
  • Security Testing of the Lagoon Infrastructure

Dedicated assistance service on weekends#

In general the Client is advised to perform critical tasks like migrations or Go Lives during the global business hours provided by (24/5).

Any planned assistance (having someone from online and available) outside the global business hours are applicable to be charged and handled as follows:

  • The Client has to request assistance at least 30 days in advance.
  • The required availability will be estimated by the based on current knowledge.
  • The time slot(s) have to be defined by both parties at least 20 days in advance.
  • Based on availability the can reject the request.
  • The respective person of will be available exclusively for the Client remotely through the time slots.
  • At the end of the time slot, the respective person of the can chose to remain available if further assistance is required but cannot be forced by the Client to do so.

In any case (also if the service was requested but not claimed at the specified time), the defined time slot(s) will be charged.

The service is available in buckets of 2 hours. Overages are charged in buckets of 2 hours.

Emergency Support on weekends#

The Client needs to create a ticket via Slack or via the Support Portal and then call the emergency number provided by the in order to escalate this ticket to emergency status.

Security Questionnaires# currently holds an active ISO 27001 certificate of compliance, a SOC2 Type 1 Attestation Report, and is working towards SOC2 Type 2 attestation, both of which require external auditing by a third party and stand to certify the existence and robustness of's Informations Security Management System (ISMS).

While we welcome security questionnaires from our customers or prospective customers, many topics typically included in security questionnaires are covered by the documents available in our Trust Portal. We encourage our customers to peruse these documents prior to submitting security questionnaires, as most, if not all, typical security questions can be answered with that information.

If any necessary information is missing or more details are required, please create a Support ticket via an email to to let us know.

Turnaround Time#

Our minimum turnaround time for questionnaires containing only binary (yes/no or true/false) questions is 2 weeks. For questionnaires which ask open ended questions that require detailed answers, our minimum turnaround time is 4 weeks.


Any employee time spent providing such answers will be considered billable hours.