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Business Intelligence Engineer#

What responsibilities this role has#

  • Collaborate to identify, plan, and implement data tracking and visualization reports on dedicated and cloud hosting metrics
  • Example. Implement arbitrary reports that would allow to see project over time revenue for geographic regions
  • Provide regular and timely updates/reports (Quarterly, Monthly, and On-Demand)
  • Manage and track the ongoing data collection sub systems for accuracy and reliability
  • Help breakdown and identify where our infrastructure costs are coming from by specific projects and groups
  • Help Create revenue and infrastructure forecasts

Who this role works with together (Stakeholders)#

  • Executive Team: Amazee Group Partners CTO, CFO
  • Managers & Team Leads
  • Sales Team
  • Engineering teams

How this role works with:#

Executive Team#

  • Report and identify potential areas of growth and opportunities
  • Report and identify potential issues or contractions
  • Generate reports that help track these goals over time

Managers & Team Leads#

  • Share results and potential issues

Sales Team#

  • Share potential opportunities for growth

Lagoon Engineering team#

  • Empower the engineers to focus on investing in solving problems that have business value
  • Identifies goals and works to break down into actionable tasks that can be assigned and delegated to the engineering team
  • Helps contextualize and evaluate engineering initiatives to the larger business value objectives